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Enhance Your Property with Timeless Elegance: Unleashing the Beauty and Durability of Tile Roofing


Welcome to Florida Roofing & Construction LLC, your trusted provider of exceptional residential and commercial tile roofing solutions in Florida. With our extensive expertise and commitment to quality, we offer a wide range of tile roofing options that combine timeless elegance with superior durability, perfectly suited to Florida's climate.



Residential Tile Roofing: Enhance the beauty and value of your home with our exquisite residential tile roofing solutions. Whether you desire the classic charm of clay tiles or the modern allure of concrete tiles, we have the expertise to deliver a stunning roof that withstands the test of time. Tile roofs offer exceptional durability, providing protection against high winds, fire, and severe weather conditions common in Florida. With a variety of colors, styles, and profiles available, we can create a custom tile roof that complements your home's architectural style and reflects your unique taste.



Commercial Tile Roofing: At Florida Roofing & Construction LLC, we understand the importance of a durable and visually appealing roof for commercial properties. Our commercial tile roofing solutions offer the perfect combination of strength, longevity, and aesthetic appeal. From office buildings to hotels and retail spaces, our expert team will work closely with you to determine the ideal tile roofing system for your commercial property. We offer a range of tile materials, including clay and concrete, to suit your specific requirements and budget.



With their exceptional lifespan and resistance to the Florida elements, tile roofs provide a long-term roofing solution that requires minimal maintenance.



When you choose Florida Roofing & Construction LLC, for your residential or commercial tile roofing needs, you can expect:



  1. ​Expert Consultation: Our knowledgeable team will provide a thorough consultation, assessing your roofing needs, and offering tailored solutions that align with your preferences, budget, and building requirements.

  2. Quality Craftsmanship: Our skilled roofing professionals have years of experience in installing and repairing tile roofs. We prioritize meticulous workmanship to ensure a flawless and long-lasting result.​

  3. Wide Selection of Tiles: We offer a vast array of tile options in different materials, styles, and colors, allowing you to achieve the perfect aesthetic for your property.

  4. Weather Resilience: Our tile roofing systems are designed to withstand the challenging weather conditions in Florida, including hurricanes, heavy rains, and intense sunlight.​

  5. Sustainable Roofing: Tile roofs are known for their sustainability and energy efficiency. By choosing a tile roof, you contribute to a greener environment while enjoying potential energy savings.​

  6. Timely Project Completion: We understand the importance of meeting deadlines. Our team adheres to efficient project management practices to ensure timely completion of your tile roofing project.



Elevate your residential or commercial property with the timeless beauty and unmatched durability of tile roofing! Contact FLRC today to schedule a consultation.








Our friendly team is ready to answer your questions, provide detailed information, and help you embark on a roofing journey that combines style, resilience, and lasting value. Trust us to deliver a tile roof that will exceed your expectations in both form and function.



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